To International Masterstudents

Hej Master Students

You may remember me from the walkthrough chapter, my name is Mona Dadoun and I am Chairman of the Studyboard at Kongliga Datasektionen.
This is our page on Facebook.

Studyboard is a board belonging to Datasektionen and acts as a link between studentsand CSC-school. Course Year Representatives are the students’ voice outwards. We can influence our courses by talking to our classes and/or collecting information, for example using anonymous questionnaires.

What you do on the studyboard will vary depending on which position you have. As a representative you should listen mostly to feedback and complaints from your class and take them to the meetings that we organize once a month. We discuss this topicand allocate tasks between us since we do a follow up.

Each course year in Datasektionen has two-three grade representatives. As you recall, I mentioned that the study committee must recruit two or three grade representatives from D-14 (this year master students). Now it is the time for that, therefore if you want to get involved it is important that you come to our next meeting (see below for more information about the meeting).
Tip: If you are a course year representative it is a greater chance that you will be nominated for the Study Board chairman next year.

All you need to do to be a representative for your class is coming up to the SN meeting. There we will ask you if you are interested in the role of D-14 Master representative. If you would change your mind, you can always leave.

Information about the meeting:
All are welcome!
Meeting held 13 October at 17:17.
You’ll find in Meta (Datasektions PUB) and I’ll wait for you so that together we can go to the meeting room.
Time: 17:17
Location: Meta
I will provide fika (refreshments)
If you have any questions or can not find, please call me at: 0769465850 or email:

Do not forget to like our page on Facebook because there I always write further information about the meetings.
See you at Meta Monday 13 October 2014 at 17:17.


SNO = Studienämndordförande (Studyboard chairman)
SN = Studienämnden (Studyboard)
PAS = Programansvarigstudent (Programsstudent responsible)