Lunchföreläsning med EF Labs

EF Labs håller en lunchföreläsning om sitt internationella internship den 23e april. Det finns ett begränsat antal platser så passa på att anmäla dig via mailen i texten nedan när det fortfarande finns plats!

“An educational revolution is underway powered by technology, and we are at the forefront of this revolution, charting a future centered on iOS and Android. We are an active contributor to open source communities and do ground-breaking work in speech recognition, virtual collaboration, and adaptive learning.

Why don’t you come and meet us, Magnus Koch (Head of development) and Madeleine Thun (Global general manager and Senior product manager) whilst you enjoy your free lunch?

We will also present our internship where you have a chance to experience and be part of EF Labs for 8 weeks in London or Shanghai this summer! You get to know all about it on Wednesday April 23rd, Sal E31 at 12.00. Don’t forget to register by sending an email to (please include name, program you study and year).”