Spotify Hockey Challenge

Are you up for a cool challenge? Join our programming competition where you will code artificial intelligence for hockey teams.

We gather saturday 10/11 at 10:00 in META (Osquars Backe 21, We then move to CSC computer rooms to code for six hours. The day ends with an epic tournament back in META where teams play against each other, shown on a big screen. Lunch and dinner will be served, and the bar in META will be opened too.

Find a couple of team mates and sign up on this link:
(Registration closes on Thursday the 8th of November)

It’s helpful if someone in your team:
- knows Java
- likes ice hockey, tactics and strategy
- knows some maths and geometry
- is interested in AI

Event sponsored by Scrool.

Additional information

High school and university students are welcome. The number of contestants is limited. There will be room for additional spectators in META during the actual tournament (which starts around 17:30).

We recommend signing up in teams of three people, but smaller and larger teams are okay too! (Just remember that a large team has to somehow split the prizes they might win…)

There will be at least one computer per team, but not one for every contestant, so please bring laptops if you want several computers. The CSC computers run Ubuntu.

You are allowed to bring literature to the contest, but you may not bring or download any code – all coding must happen during the competition.

Yes, there will be prizes, and yes, participation is free :)

Please contact Niklas at if you have any questions.

Full schedule:

  • 10:00-11:00 – Introduction
  • 11:00-17:00 – Coding
  • ~12:00 – Lunch
  • 17:30-21:30 – Tournament
  • ~18:00 – Dinner
  • 22:00 – Prize ceremony

See you there!