Everbread Is On the Lookout

Everbread Ltd is looking for extremely talented students to be interns or developers in our Sofia office.

  • We don’t want somebody who can play rhythm guitar in a decent band. We need Jimmy Hendrix.
  • We don’t want somebody you’d call to help you move your new couch up a flight of stairs.
  • We need somebody who can get a piano to the top floor penthouse… by himself.
  • We don’t want William Shatner, David Caruso, or Barack Obama-types.
  • We want Chuck Norris. We’d consider Charles Bronson or Darth Vader. Consider.

If you’ve read the job description above and you get it, then read on; otherwise, go talk to the legions of other companies’ representatives on your campus today – they need people like you.

Everbread is the science behind travel. Look, punk, you think finding the lowest fare from Poughkeepsie to Auckland is easy? There are about 100 million published, commercial airline fares, and they change hourly. There are about 200 million scheduled flights, and they change every 3 hours. There are 1000 pages of printed (not digital!) text describing taxes that apply to commercial air travel. There are hundreds of passenger types – Catholic clergy, mistresses of EU commissioners, people going to the Hajj, and those on active military service for NATO have special discounts. Hard enough? There are about 2 billion possible commercial air routes from Poughkeepsie to Auckland, and any flights you choose must have an empty seat to buy at that moment, you need to find the lowest 200-300 prices (including taxes!), and… you have to do it in under two seconds. Yeah, punk, that’s right, two seconds. Hard enough for ya?

Sofia is the capital of the EU country of Bulgaria; it’s about 1 hour from Istanbul and the same from Budapest. It’s about 2.5 hours from Paris or London; yes, we’ll throw in a long weekend or two. All of Everbread’s work is in English and English is commonly spoken in Sofia. We’ll take care of finding you housing in Sofia and (more importantly) fast internet service at home and other such daily problems, so you can focus on being powerful. The cost of living in Sofia is a lot lower the Bay Area or Seattle: Bay Area Beer = 16 USD/liter, Sofia Beer=16 liter/USD.

If you are a graduate student (or an undergraduate student doing an outstanding
impersonation) looking for challenging work over the summer, or in general, we have a number of projects which need some serious cycles from you. Any of these projects will require that you can work autonomously, hack code faster than a pack of hungry wolves can eat a lost backpacker, and can play guitar or drums in Rock Band 3. Being good at Mario Kart is a plus. Our offices have a ping-pong table (like Google) and a rakia bar (unlike Google).

By June 1, 2011, send us

  • a CV;
  • a short message explaining how you are like Chuck Norris when it comes to software;
  • any/all open-source projects you contribute to
  • and email addresses of two folks we can contact for recommendations. to internczar@everbread.com or chucknorris@everbread.com (Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks all email to the correct person).