Seminarium: Google Tech Talk - Organizing and serving the worlds information

Seminarium: Google Tech Talk

Organizing and serving the world’s information

Tid och plats

15.15 torsdagen 25/2, sal D1

Talare: Lars Engebretsen

Lars Engebretsen arbetar på Google i Zürich, men doktorerade innan dess på CSC med Viggo Kann som handledare.

Efter föredraget blir det vimmel på plan 4 med möjlighet att träffa Lars och ta sig en bulle (om de räcker).


Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it
universally accessible and useful. Working towards this mission, the
company has pushed the boundaries in many engineering disciplines,
ranging from algorithm design in a massively parallel setting to power
management in data centers. In this talk, I will present some of the
infrastructure components needed to support Google web search and also
discuss some of the algorithmic problems that must be solved in order
to organize the world’s information and serve it to users across the