Apply to dHöstkalendern (and dJul)


Now there is only (about five months) left until December and with it, the start of the Christmas Calendar 2024! BUT before that, something equally important occurs, namely the Autumn Calendar which is organised for the new students during the reception period.

The Christmas Calendar is data's own CTF competition. "What is a CTF competition?" Well, the Christmas Calendar (and the Autumn Calendar) is a so-called CTF-competition which stands for Capture The Flag — (and competition stands for competition) and is a competition in cybersecurity where participants try to find text strings, termed as flags, by exploiting vulnerabilities in programs and the like.

Anyway, for us to be able to have any calendars, a project group is needed for the whole thing and therefore it's important that YOU continue to read the following points to see what YOU could help with:

Coding puzzles

Are you a clever type who loves problem-solving and are you, or do you aspire to be, on the registers of Säpo and FRA as individuals who pose a threat to the country's IT infrastructure? If so, it is in your interest to help create puzzles, it will be fun, APPLY!

Story writing/lore

Are you someone who has a talent for writing stories that will one day likely be awarded the Nobel Prize AND/OR give the government an incentive to promptly funnel money into closed care and reopen Beckomberga Hospital with you as the only patient? If so, help us write a gripping and (perhaps) autumnal/Christmassy story that can embrace this year's calendars, APPLY!


Are you someone who dislikes free will and is an expert on subliminal messages and how to get people to listen even if they might not think about it, are you possibly a trained hypnotist or medium? If so, APPLY APPLY APPLY (and find the form at the bottom of the message)!

Graphic design

Is graphic design your passion and do you want virtually complete artistic freedom, APPLY!!

Fiddling with website

Are you completely fluent in everything to do with websites and/or servers and feel that you want to be involved in improving the Christmas Calendar's website to something so complete that it will be stamped as a world heritage by UNESCO, or is it so that you previously made a website through Wix for your uncle, or have you just learned about the internet and find this website stuff exciting, APPLY!

If you have any questions about the Autumn Calendar or the Christmas Calendar, just contact

The application form is open between June 25 and July 3!

At your service,

Jonathan Almgren Tomtemor/-far 2024