METAdorerna kickoff meeting, two Fridays in a row?!

Hello dear Data and perhaps some Media folks too! Now that the new first-year students have arrived, we, the METAdors, want to welcome everyone to an amazing kickoff meeting! We in the METAdors do everything from graphic design 🎨 and programming πŸ’» to taking care of META and hosting awesome TBs!πŸ’₯If you want to know more about the fun life of a METAdor, then you should definitely attend one of our kickoff meetings! πŸš€

πŸ—“οΈ The first meeting will be held in a suitable E-classroom, and we'll depart from META at 12:15 this Friday to go there together. There will probably be someone who can catch up with latecomers as well.

πŸ—“οΈ If you can't make it this Friday, fear NOT! The next Friday meeting (29/9) will also be tailored for future METAdors! So please fill out the form, but mark the 29th of September instead!

Form (not mandatory, but appreciated):

Tl;dr: Be outside META at 12:15 this Friday (22/09) to learn everything there is to know about METAdorerna and META! If you can't make it on Friday, come at the same time next Friday!

// Lokalchef, who knows there will be plenty of snacks! πŸͺπŸŽ‰