Important info regarding dJubileets slutfest

Hello all computer scientists and alumni!

We can now share that the slutfest has a new date. The new date is October 14th. We apologize for any inconvenience that the date change may have caused and hope that you are still excited to come and celebrate the Data section's 40th anniversary properly! This is going to be amazing, so you don't want to miss it!

We can also reveal that the top-secret closing party location will be Nymble, so you alumni will have the pleasure of visiting our proud campus once again.

For more information regarding the slutfest, you can visit the Facebook event here: Link

As we want to avoid the problems that arose during the banquet, we will not release tickets via confetti. Instead, you will need to register via Google Forms. However, to avoid stress during ticket release, we will randomly select tickets among those who register within the first hour when tickets are released. This way, you don't have to be super quick with entering your information, and everyone will have a fair chance of getting a ticket.

We will earmark some of the tickets for different decades since we want representation from all the times our wonderful section has existed.

Specifically, we will earmark: 40 tickets for the 80s 40 tickets for the 90s 40 tickets for the 00s 40 tickets for D10-D17 80 tickets for D18-D22

If there are tickets left from these decades, we will release them to the general ticket pool. In total, we will release 300 tickets. Later this fall, we will release additional tickets to nØllan.

You can find the ticket release form here: Link

The form opens at 8:00 p.m. on April the 19th, and if you register in the form before 9:00 p.m., you will be included in the first round of ticket randomization. Anyone who registers after 9:00 p.m. will instead be placed on a waiting list.

We will carry out the randomization and send out an email no later than Sunday evening the same week, April 23rd. In that email, you will find out if you have received a ticket and how to proceed with payment.

The price for students will be SEK 230 for a non-alcoholic ticket and SEK 250 for a ticket with alcohol. Alumni will pay SEK 330 for a non-alcoholic ticket and SEK 350 for a ticket with alcohol.

We also want to remind everyone to sign up for the alumni mailing list and that the waiting list form for the banquet is now available. Mailing list Waiting list form

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

We're really looking forward to celebrating with all of you and hope you're as excited as we are!

See you at the closing party!