Poll on having a music artist at D-Dagen 2023's after-party

Hi everyone!

The project team for D-Dagen 2023 has been considering bringing a music artist to the after-party for this year's career fair. We wanted to see what the interest for this is within the chapter, and how much our members think is a reasonable amount to pay for a performance.

The alternatives in the form represent different levels of expensiveness for music artists. The higher the amount, the "better"/more popular artist we can get. In our preliminary calculations we have been working with a music artist price of 200 000 SEK, excluding ticket revenues.

You have to log in through Google to fill in the form, to avoid members filling in the form more than once. But all answers are completely anonymous and your email addresses are not recorded. All data will be handled in accordance with: https://styrdokument.datasektionen.se/informationshanteringspolicy.

If you have any questions regarding what kind of music artists you can get for the different price ranges in the form, you can ask any member of the project team. If you have any other questions or thoughts regarding the form you can contact ansvarig@ddagen.se.

Kind regards

The Project Team 2023