A report from the EduCouncil of 13/10-2021
Good evening! Today an EduCouncil was held by THS. The EduCouncil is a forum where representatives from each chapter meet to discuss questions related to the education at KTH. As a representative from the CS Chapter I'll briefly summarize the proceedings below.
There were two main points of discussion during the meeting:
- How we can monitor the Master's programmes studies and involve international students
- What THS and their Heads of Educational Affairs can do for students.
For the first discussion point most chapters felt like the monitoring of their Master's programmes was lacking compared to the monitoring of the Bachelor's. Every chapter who attended found it particularly hard to get the opinions of international students. At the CS chapter we, too, would very much like a closer connection to our international students. **If you are an international student interested in discussing topics of education, we would love if you got in contact **with me (d-uf@d.kth.se) or the Chairman of the Study Board (sno@d.kth.se). You can also show up at any of the Study Board's meetings. We are also looking for a student to help monitor the ML master, the same contact details apply.
As for the second point we mainly discussed how THS could become more visible for the students and in particular students that are not active in their respective chapters.