Report from the program counsel and link meetings of 12-10-2020
This monday the study board participated in several meetings with representatives for the Computer Science program.
During the link meetings for years 1-3, in which those responsible for the period 3 courses also participated, the principal topic of discussion was how the courses had handled the transformation to digital education. If you're interested in the details, please contact the study board representatives for your grade.
Additionally a program counsel was also held where specific prerequisites for courses was the main discussion point:
- The program made it very clear that they now expect students to prioritise their unfinished courses over new courses. An example would be a student postponing their optional courses in year three to re-enroll in unfinished courses or prepare for re-exams.
- More students will have to take individual paths through the program, re-enroll for unfinished courses and postpone new courses
- It will be possible to register for courses with specific prerequisites despite not having the required prerequisites registered in LADOK as long as the re-exam for the missing courses hasn't been registered in LADOK before the start of the course.
We have asked that more information regarding this issue be uploaded on the course web.
Other points of discussion:
- They are aware that several students haven't gotten grades reported yet and hope to fix it soon
- The program might get new optional courses, one example mentioned was machine learning (this might potentially be a newly created course)
- What should be done in the case of a student of a course falling sick in Covid-19 shortly ahead of a physical exam
- Digital education: they have identified several positive aspects regarding online lectures
- The information regarding exams have been communicated late in several courses due to late decisions