A SPACED PUB: Last day to apply to the reception 2022!!

Last-day-to-apply-to-the-reception-pub!!! This Wednesday, Titel will be behind the bar to organise a Receptionpub πŸ’₯ There will be beverages out of this world and the vibes will be intergalactic πŸͺ Come and hang out with us in META! πŸ‘½ The application for the reception will close this evening so make sure you apply!! 😍😍😍 Apply HERE: datasektionen.se/mottagningen/janifattar Cya at the pub! πŸ›ΈπŸ‘½πŸ’«πŸͺβ˜„️ Due to the Coronavirus: Stay home if you're sick/are experiencing symptoms. Food β€” 30 kr Beer/Cider β€” 20kr+ Drinks/shots β€” 35kr+ Non-alcoholic β€” 10 kr+ Photographs will be taken during this event, contact us on Facebook if you don't want to be photographed or if you want us to delete a photo! The pub is open for members of the Computer Science and Media chapter at KTH, +1 applies. Don't forget your ID and THS ID