Budget Chapter Meeting

[SM adjourned after 6.8 in the agende and will be continued according to "reserve date"]

On October 8th Budget-SM will be held remotely at 17:30. The reserve date is the 13th of October at 17:30, which will also be held remotely. The last day for submitting motions is the 24th of september at 23:59.

On SM the budget for operation year 2021 will be determined. Furthermore, we will be reviewing the 2019 operation year reports and summaries as well as discussing the discharge of the D-directorate of 2019 and their duties. Finally, we will discuss motions and propositions and hold a by-election for several posts.

All chapter members are welcome!

The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here


The summons for the meeting can be found here

The agende for the meeting can be found here