Work with the Giants-event 17 February 2018 in Nymble (Apply latest 8th of October)
Planning for the next yeasr event "The future need GIANTS 2018" is in full swing and we need your help! Fill in the sign up at latest 8 October and we will return with a notice.
To info and signup:
Who can apply? Swedish speaking students that identify as women, non-binay or transgender from these programs: Computer science and engineering 300 hp, Electrical engineering 300 hp, Information technology 300 hop, Computer science and engineering 180 hp (Flemingsberg and Kista), Eletrical engineering 180 hp, Electrical engineering and computer engineering 180 hp.
What is Giants? KTH:s large drive to recruit more young women to the Computer science, IT, and Eletrical engineering programs. More info on