International Theme on the Study Committée meeting 30/11!
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On Monday the 30th of November, the Study Committée will have our usual Monday meeting in room 1537 (fifth floor, E-building) at 12.15-13.00 where we will be discussing courses and studies. But this time, the meeting will have an international theme!
Some of the suggested questions to bring up are:
- How can we integrate more international students in study monitoring and student influence-related activities in the chapter?
- How are the international students feeling about their studies at KTH at the moment?
- Has it been hard to find any information? What can the Study Committée do to help?
- How can we become better at reaching out to international students and find out more about their current study situations?
- What can we do to keep better track of what kind of studies our international students are doing at KTH (double degree, master and exchange studies).
Everybody who belongs to the Computer Science chapter are Welcome!
We will provide some refreshments too! :)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the international student representative Thibaut ( tlm at kth dot se ) or e-mail me at (sno at d dot kth dot se)