Art Project for Oculus Rift as a HP-giving course

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Art Project for Oculus Rift KTH 2015 – Message from Teresa: The project called VIRTUAL BRAIN parts from our fear of heights, depths, unknown objects, closed rooms, high speed… and other “brain ghosts”, which provoke our fantasy and dazzle our imagination. It consists of creating one (or several) 3D-worlds and to animate various objects within these worlds, using available 3D programs (Alias, 3DS, Unity..) Based on my previous VR work BRAINSONGS.

I am looking for a student who can help me create to record a “joy ride” within this space, with a total duration of 2-3 mins. One must be able to move ones face and look around in the space during the ride and there could be multiple (random?) animations.

This is an artistic project but will be labeled “Independent studies” and will receive due credit “HP poäng” from an examiner at MID (to be defined) as well as from Professor Martin Ingvar of Karolinska Institutet. It will also be exhibited as a work of art with all the credit this includes.

TIME: spring 2015.

I have worked as an artist with computer animations and interactive media since early 80’s, in France, in Japan, in the US, in Denmark and in Sweden.

VR works at KTH, Stockholm + ICC, Tokyo + AALBORG UNIVERSITY Media Lab, Aalborg —

Teresa Wennberg

See also: