Become an international mentor 2014

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THS is opening the applications to be a mentor during the international students’ reception. It means that you will participate on at least 3 activities and will be present on the arrival day. You are also expected to come to an info-meeting that will most probably be held in the middle of May, week 20. The reception lasts during the whole of August, but you are not required to be present the whole of August, just for the activities that you are signed up on. You have the possibility to influence what you get signed up on but we can’t guarantee that your wishes will be fulfilled. For this you can be granted 0,2 grade bump when you apply for studies abroad. During the spring term 2014 THS had around 230 applicants on 50 places. For the fall 2014 THS wants to have around 150 mentors that can help.

All the info on the page