SUMMER JOB - Software Identity Engineer (Web developer)

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Jobba med webbprogrammering hos Ericsson i sommar. Ansök så snart som möjligt!


The software identity program in Business Unit Multimedia are looking for four interns for a unique and fun challenge in Stockholm, Kista, during summer of 2011.

Two of the four positions will be oriented towards marketing and communications, while two will be software engineering. We strive for diversity in our teams and would like candidates from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Together with your three collegues you will form an independent team, taking full responsibility driving one of our software identitiy projects from start to finish.

The project will be part of our strategic program for software, which involves multiple functional areas, such as product development, marketing, communications, portfolio management and strategy. The purpose is to produce marketing and communication material supporting our software identity as well as tools, such as databases and web-based solutions to manage content, analyze & measure progress and spread our message by finding ways of engaging Ericsson employees.

Your creativity in making the tools and messages attractive are what we value most. How can we build an internal web-site which encourages visitors to come back again and again, participating and making our vision a reality? The solutions you create will involve clever marketing, beautiful design, social features and the latest technologies, all delivered through a simple user interface.

You will create extraordinary tools for extraordinary change.

In this unique opportunity you will learn how to organize and collaborate in a team, how to drive a project, plan work activities and interface with project stake holders. You will also have a great opportunity to practice leadership skills, change management and learn something about working in large corporate environment.


For the technical positions we are looking for candidates in their final years towards a Master of Science degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or similar. He or she must have a passion for programming, with strong skills in HTML5, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Ajax and similar. The candidate should be able to show working websites or applications from previous jobs or hobby activities.

You should also master object oriented programming (Java/C++), be familiar with agile engineering practices and revision control systems (such as Subversion). Knowledge of the operating system GNU/Linux or any of the BSD flavours is recommended. VMware products will be used (on-the-job training provided), but previous experience of VMware ESXi, vSphere, or similar, is meriting.

Skicka CV och en kortare presentation till :

Multimedia Identity Driver

Ericsson AB, Business Unit Multimedia
Portfolio Management and Technology
Kistavägen 25
16480 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone +46 10 7198489
SMS/MMS +46 761498489