Workshop on Sustainabile Communities

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Via nätverket N5T (Nordic Five Tech dvs KTH, Chalmers, DTU, NTNU, Aalto) erbjuds studerande på avancerad nivå och forskarnivå att anmäla sig till workshopen Shortcuts to Sustainable Nordic communities, som pågår mellan den 30/8 och 2/9.

Mer information finns på hemsidan för Nordic Climate Festival.
Deadline för anmälan är den 30 april.

The workshop focuses on finding novel approaches in promoting sustainable solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges in the Nordic countries.

Our workshop consists of 7 tracks, ranging from sustainable urban planning and energy efficient construction practices to sustainable design. Aim of the workshop is for the students to introduce existing Nordic sustainability initiatives and to develop them further, to form a ‘roadmap’ to sustainable Nordic future!

A total of 90 students from all Nordic countries will be chosen to the workshop, based on a letter of interest. All travel and accommodation costs will be provided for the participants.