D-Dagen recruitment pub!

D-Dagen is fast approaching! This means that we need day staff in the form of Company Hosts, Contact Hosts, Lounge Hosts and Task Force 💪! That's why we invite you to a Recruitment-pub TOMORROW!! 😱 (September 17th) where YOU can get answers to questions about being day staff. The project group will stand behind the bar and mix exclusive ✨ D-Dagen drinks 🤯 . During the evening you will have the opportunity to beat the project group in beer pong 🍻 🏓 and other fun. It is also rumored that you will be able to compete for a FREE TICKET 😱 🤩 to the banquet! This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you have that prevent you from applying for day staff!

The pub starts at 17:17 in META tomorrow! All day staff also get a guaranteed spot ✅ at the banquet, so be sure to apply, it will be fun!!

You can find the link to the pub event, day-staff registration and the banquet registration form below ⬇️

🚨NOTE🚨: Registration for the banquet is binding. If you register, you are expected to be able to attend.

Banquet registration: https://dsekt.se/ddagensittning

Day-staff registration: https://ddagen.se/sok

Pub event: https://fb.me/e/7HGaCpwch

TLDR; Come to the recruitment pub tomorrow 🍻, apply for day staff 🥺 and sign up for the D-Dagen banquet!!! 🥳 🔥 🎉