Graduation party for final year students

Hello Chapter!

Are you a chapter member currently in your fifth year of the program or second year of the master? Then you know as well as I do that all good things in this world must come to an end, and in this particular case it is yours and mine time on campus. Now that this end is approaching, it would certainly be nice to end it with a bang! 🎉 🎉

We are therefore a bunch of fifth-year students who are organising a graduation party where all students who are doing their fifth year at the computer engineering programme are welcome, regardless of whether you are graduating this year or are a little behind in your studies. Even those who are coming from the open programme or studying the second year of a computer science master's program are welcome to sign up for the party.

The gasque is scheduled for June 1st and will be in META. Registration can be found here: Do note that the event will be primarly in Swedish.

Any questions should be directed to Erik Nordlöf,

Otherwise, we hope to see many familiar faces at the party, have a good time until then!