Information about chapter mapping

Dear chapter members, here is a message from the KF-representatives.

KTH has decided to shut down Campus Södertälje and Campus Kista, and to introduce a new program, TINTE.

This means that THS will need to change how programs are mapped to chapters. The consequences for us at the Datasektionen are not yet certain but will likely be decided at the next Student Union Council.

More information regarding concrete proposals can be found here Note that the documents is only available in swedish

The proposals most relevant to us are:

  • Proposal 4. Move Cybersecurity from D to IN
  • Proposal 6. Reorganize D, Me, and IN into two chapters
  • Proposal 7. Welcome IN's original programs into the EECS chapters

If you have any thoughts, opinions, or questions; contact us, the KF representatives, at

Our current stance is to maintain our current structure as it is.