PSA regarding theft

Hello chapter! Here is a small PSA.

Unfortunately, there have been multiple instances of theft on campus during the semester. Therefore, we would like to ask you to keep an eye on your belongings at all times. That also applies in locked areas such as computer halls and restrooms. Also, make sure to not let unauthorized people in to the buildings.

If you, for any reason, feel unsafe, or if you want support from KTH security staff, feel free to call their number 08-790 7700 at any point during the day or night. The phone number also works if you would like to report a theft or if there are unauthorized people on campus.

You can also always contact the chapters SMA, Axel at or JNO, Jennifer, at

Good luck with the last few weeks of the semester. May the odds be ever in your favor on your last exams/labs/assignments.

Amanda, D-SOL