How to Sweden - Gasque

Hello CS and media chapter!

Summer is drawing to a close and with it so are the wonderful receptions here at KTH. This doesn’t mean that the festivities are over, however. We in the international committee are happy to announce our first gasque this semester! The How-To-Sweden gasque has cherry picked the finest of Swedish foods, traditions and customs to explore. We will offer you plenty of singing, a “lagom” amount of table slamming, a bit of mischief from our hosts and an absolutely wonderful evening! Whether you’re a gasque veteran or a complete novice, we welcome you to META the 22nd of September!

**The gasque will be hosted in English, though we warmly welcome both Swedish and international participants. Payment at the door. **

More info can be found in the sign-up form below.

TL;DR How-To-Sweden gasque Price? Around 100 SEK without alcohol, 140 SEK with alcohol Where? META When? 22/9 18.00 Dress code? Traditional clothing, ovve/frack or whatever you have lying around and don’t mind sullying

Other questions? Contact

Sign up via the form: