The Resurrection of the Läskkyl

Hello everyone! We are happy to announce that the Läskkyl will once again be open.

Starting Tuesday (5/23), you can simply swing by and purchase goodies at extremely affordable prices. Perfect for keeping your blood sugar up during the upcoming exam period.

Moreover, this Tuesday we will have a fantastic opening event in META together with QN, DESC, TM, and Prylmångleriet. Drop by to play board games, game on the Nintendo Switch, do crafts, draw something, or sew on your ovve/frack.

In addition to the Läskkyl, there will also be fika!

General läskkyl info:

Where? One of the many corners of META. When? All 8 days of the week. Money? Yes. How? Swish! Cash? Only if you don't say anything to kassör 🤫

How long will the fridge be open? The Läskkyl will be open throughout the entire exam period! (Or until someone pulls a Jack Nicholson and breaks into the spritis with an axe again).

What can you buy in the fridge? A little bit of everything! If there's something specific you'd like to see in the fridge, you can email

Did you plagiarize this post from what was written in 2018? Yes.