
All students of the computer science and media chapters, look here! 🀩

Have you choreographed your own dance but never gotten the chance to show it? Tired of all the boomers that don't understand your TikTok references? Or are you a boomer that is desperately trying to understand the younger generation?

SpexM has the solution! The TikTok-gasque! All members of the computer science and media technology chapters are welcome to a gasque beyond your wildest dreams!

Tickets will be released in the facebook event at 18.00 on Friday the 29th of April!

πŸ’ƒ Where? META πŸ’ƒ When? Friday the 13th of May at 19.00 πŸ’ƒ After-party? HELL YES! πŸ’ƒ Price? TBA πŸ’ƒ Dresscode? Ovve, B-frack or similar πŸ’ƒ Nice patch? OFC