Application for the project group of Magenta

Hello Chapter!

Revisions-SM (Chapter Meeting) this Thursday marked an important day. It was the day that project Magenta was born. Magenta is a project that aims to create a greater sense of community among girls and non-binary all over all campuses of KTH. This is to be done through the greatest event (gasque, party with food, drinks and songs :) ) of the year.

This gasque will be sometime during the fall of 2022 and the plan is to be in Nymble.

Do you want to help out to plan this event and make sure that it is achievable? Amazing! Because that is exactly who I'm looking for right now! A project group of a few excited souls is needed to create the best event KTH has ever seen. Is that you? Apply apply apply in this form

Do you want to attend the event? Fun! Remember that we exist and stay up to date with this feed so that you don't miss more info!

Do you want to work at the event? Also fun! There will be future info on that as well!

XOXO Project leader for Magenta Amanda Berg