
In accordance with our statutes §4.4 Brådskande ärenden and §4.8 D-rektiv I hereby issue a D-rektiv.

It’s about drive, it’s about power, we stay hungry, we devour

Put in the work, put in the hours, and take what’s ours

I wish to thank everyone who has been a part of our chapter during 2021, both our electees and project leaders who have done an amazing job, and all our members who have participated in the activities that the chapter has held during the year. Despite the current situation in society, you have shown an amazing drive to create the best community for all of us to enjoy together. I’m looking forward to seeing what those who are staying on or just starting their elected period will achieve, and I 100% fully trust that it will be great!

With those words I whish you all a happy new year!

See you in the ring – Johan Hamredahl, President 2021