Ior (sysadmins) is recruiting!

Ior, the chapter's systems engineering/admin group is recruiting officers to help administer the myriad of systems that we use every day. If you would be interested in that sort of thing, send me an email at!

I realize that those of you who would read this post in English are probably all exchange students, and have not gotten a lot of info as to what Ior actually does. It's a committee/club that is dedicated to bulding, maintaining and migrating systems that the chapter relies on for various purposes, such as user login, bookkeeping, publishing news, holding elections etc. almost every day. This, like everything else in the chapter, is done pro bono, and the main goal is to have fun and learn together, because KTH does not really teach us much about how to actually build, deploy and maintain live systems.

The chapter "compensates" members by providing access to systems that cost money otherwise, such as an enterprise Github organization as well as a fully paid for AWS account that we can utilize and play around with.

The Google Form that is attached to this post is in Swedish, so I don't know how well that would work for you, so ignore that and just contact me directly in case you are interested in knowing more or taking part! My email is once again

Link to application form The form closes 23:59 on December 2.