Deadline for registering reciepts in cashflow
Hello chapter! There will be a deadline for registering spring expenses in cashflow. The deadline will be the 1:st of July. Before this day, the expense needs to be registered in cashflow. By "spring", we refer to all expenses that occured before the 1:st of June. However, you don't have to hand in physical reciepts before this deadline, this can be done during the autuum.
META will be closed for the summer. Therefore, the reciept folder will reside with the Vice tresurer. If you want to hand in your reciept during the summer, you can contact the Vice tresurer on and book a time to hand it in. Some have previously experienced that you recieve an error when sending mails to this email. This is something we have been trying to solve. However, for the time being, this is nothing to worry about, since all emails are recieved anyway!