Hello exam stress!
EDITED: Manage to write the times in the wrong order, but now they're correct!
On Friday the Study board will have a meeting with the Computer Science responsibles for year 1-3 and we need your opinions! This week we're having some lunch (ish) meetings where you can join a zoom call and talk to your class representatives, or even discuss courses with your classmates. Times and zoom-links are:
Year 1, Thurs June 3 at 12.15-1.00 PM https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61064927416
Year 2, Tues June 1 (tomorrow) at 3.15-4.00 PM https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/69085076814
Year 3, Tues June 1 (tomorrow) at 12.15-1.00 PM https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61479946504
If you can't join the scheduled time for your year but want to talk to us anyway, you can do so via questionnaires that have been sent out in various social media, or e-mail us directly either at ake-[year]@d.kth.se or at sno@d.kth.se
Hope to see you there!