dÅre 2021

It is once again time for the annual trip to Åre with datasektionen, dÅre. ❄️ Each year computer science students go on an awesome trip together to Åre for great ski slopes, and even better vibes! Vi begin our journey up to Åre saturday night the 16th of January, and go back home thursday the 21st. It's going to be a lot of fun, and we in the project group are super duper hyped. ❄️ The tickets go live November 4th kl. 20.00. Keep an eye out in the Facebook event for more information. ❄️ The tickets are going to cost 2687:-/student. That price includes a place to stay, lift pass, a warm beanie, a patch, cleaning of the cabins and the infinite love of the project group dÅrestaben. ❄️ Note that we only take members of Konglig Datasektionen with us mainly. If there are spots left after our chapter members have registered, other friends and +1:s are welcome to join us. ❄️ If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to send an email to dÅrestaben 2021 at dare@d.kth.se and we will answer your questions as soon as possible. ❄️ dÅrestaben 2021 consists of this awesome squad: William Agnér Adam Sjöberg Douglas Fischer Elin Saks George Bassilious Julia Byström Michael Morales Sundstedt Olivia Herber ❄️