On September 10th a DM will be held digitally at 17:30.
At the DM, the board will, among other things, process the errand regarding economic power of attorney to the new MKM responsibles, funding request regarding a pair of new speakers and review several already made per capsulam-decisions.
All chapter members are welcome!
The Zoom link to the meeting can be found here
A new thing for this agenda are the so-called decision suggestions. The main purpose with these is to make it easier during DM to articulate precisely what should be decided when a decision is being taken. This will mainly help on matters which require many clauses and long sentences in order to be formulated correctly. The decision suggestion phenomenon is currently work in progress, so the implementation of it might change in the future.
The summons to the meeting can be found here
The agenda for the meeting can be found here
The complementary agenda can be found here
The protocol for the meeting can be found here