Election Committee

Election Committee (Valberedningen)

The Election Committee administrates elections within the chapter and arranges the Chapter Fair once per semester. The Election Committee usually consists of 6 Committee members and The Chairperson.

Elections during Chapter Meetings

Ahead of each election the Election Committee opens nominations for posts at val.datasektionen.se. Those nominated can then either accept or decline their nominations. When a candidate accepts their nomination the Election Committee will invite the candidate to an interview. Based on the interview, a written statement will be produced which the candidate can correct any errors in. Thereafter the Election Committee will make a judgement on whether the candidate is suitable for the post. All statements and judgements will be published in the election documents for the Chapter Meeting to review.

At the Chapter Meeting each candidate get to present themselves and answer questions. The Chapter Meeting will discuss the candidate and then decide their fate.

The Chapter Fair

Once per semester the Election Committee arranges the Chapter Fair. At the Fair, chapter officials, committees and projects present their activities to the chapter members. There might also be a patch for those deemed worthy.